I work as a play therapist with a ten year old girl, who’ll I’ll call Esther here. It is a constant process of creation and recovery, sometimes joint, sometimes her alone. Here I have documented some of what she creates and sees. She does not speak and I think would be unable to understand my wish to share, and therefore I can’t meaningfully ask her consent. The photos are mine, but it is a question whether the ‘work’ within them can be called ‘Esther’s — by taking it out of the context and moment of creation it is changed entirely and takes on a permanence. It is inside a quadrilateral presented in two dimensions. But it is not properly speaking my work, or work at all for that matter. Well, for all that, here it is, just some things that Esther pulled out of a drawer, dropped, looked at intensely for a moment, and moved on from, and I photographed before I tidied up.
I presented these photos and a video as part of an open studios evening, Lange Nacht. Images of that event are below.